Happy Anniversary BMC
to the tune of "Modern Major General" by Gilbert and Sullivan
There’s violins and clarinets, accordions, pianos And mandolins, guitars and flutes, contraltos and sopranos Violas, cellos, ukuleles, tenors too and basses With nerves and concentration and a lot of smiling faces Duets, quartets and trios too, ensembles, even choirs We’ve satirists to raise a laugh and talent that inspires Accompanists and soloists, we’ve all kinds of musician And comperes introducing them with wit and erudition. Composers premiere new work while some prefer arranging Our music is for sharing and the programme’s ever-changing, With this performing plethora of talented variety The Bradford Music Club is simply a unique society! Sonatas and concertos too and pieces that are shorter, Beethoven or O’Carolan, Brahms, Handel or Cole Porter, Bob Dylan, Swann and Flanders, Rodgers, Hammerstein, Lloyd Webber, And Mozart, Bach, Anonymous – I could go on for ever. From classical to jazz and pop, from opera to folkery, There’s Buttercups and Patchwork, don’t forget Jiggery Polkery, Some serious renditions and then others that are humorous. I’d list all the performers but they really are too numerous. We’ve even got a web-site now so Google users all can see Us celebrate in harmony the Club’s Tenth Anniversary With this performing plethora of talented variety The Bradford Music Club is simply a unique society! by Kathleen Illingworth |